Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week 4 post

1.            Describe your experience. Did you find it beneficial? Difficult? Why or why not? Would you recommend this to others? Why or why not?
I think it went okay. I loved the sound of the ocean in the background. I liked how we would focus on an individual to a group of people. That was interesting. I had to sit at my parents table and my arm kept falling asleep. As well as my one finger on the other arm. I guess I was not totally relaxed and couldn't get into it that much; however, I did try my best considering my uncomfortableness. I did like breathing in the pain and suffering and showering the group with health and happiness. I kind of took my arms and brought them inward and the slowly exhale and move my hands to shower them with the love and health to them. I did sit up for this. I am not so sure it was beneficial to me at this moment; but, I will try it again when I can get to a comfortable place and position. It wasn't difficult, just bad timing for me. This sounds like it would be beneficial; however, I am not one hundred percent positive at this moment to recommend it. It was kind of long and for people that are new with meditations, they will probably be antsy towards the end or in the middle.
2.            What is the concept of "mental workout"? As we work out our body, we must also work out our mind. What does the research indicate are the proven benefits of a mental workout? The benefits is being a healthier you, more closer to the inner self. How can you implement mental workouts to foster your psychological health? I make sure I schedule some time for my mind to slow down and focus on my inner world.

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