Saturday, April 28, 2012

Complete each of the five sections below and post the project in your blog, also submit it as a single Word document in your drop box.
                      I.                      Introduction:
Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically?
It is important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically because, how can a professional provide these services to others without practicing it themselves first? First the professionals have to learn and educate them self with materials and with those materials practice what is taught in them. They may even go to a guide as well to help them get the knowledge they need to be able to pass down the healing and knowledge to others. They must first heal their self before they can heal others as well as get educated. How is a professional going to tell someone how to heal them self if they do not even know what they are talking about and are not sure what they are doing? Professionals must have the experience to be able to provide help. An un-educated and un-practiced professional may give the wrong advice or information and that can harm and individual or make that individual an un-believer.
 What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself?
I need help in all the areas! I need to continue to learn and heal myself. I really need to get myself into shape and healthy. I need to practice meditation to be able to help others begin meditation. I need to eat healthy and learn how to help others how to eat healthy. I need to heal my mind to be able to help heal other's minds. Basically, I need to work on my mind, body and soul. While I work on those, I will also keep educating myself along the way to be able to get as much information in me to be able to help others in the future.
                    II.                      Assessment:
How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically?
I do not calculate well in each domain. I would say I am at a big fat zero in my physical domain. I am pretty out of shape and obese. I have cut down on my portion sizes and do eat a little more healthy; however, I still have a long way before I reach my goal size. I do like to walk and walk at least four to three days out of the week. I do know I need to step it up a little to be able to start losing more weight. I need to exercise more and add in weight training. I have in the past liked to ride a bike. Hopefully I can buy one soon and I would ride every day. That would get me to do some exercise each day. My psyche is not perfect, but needs work. I am a little depressed, nevertheless, I am working on it. I am trying meditation and surrounding myself with positive friends and family. I do rank my spirituality my highest domain though. I like peace and quiet and enjoying what the earth has to offer. Although I may rank this my highest domain, by far am I the best at it. I do need to work on this trait as well. I know I just hit the tip of the iceberg with my spirituality and need to go all the way to the bottom of the iceberg and back up again. I need to encircle the iceberg and accept he wholeness. We all want to take giant leaps, but in reality we need to take baby steps!
                 III.                      Goal development:
List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual.
My one main physical goal is to exercise more and lose all this extra weight I am carrying around. My mental health goal is to meditate more and keep adding on time to master this art as best as I can. My spiritual goal is to look into each religion and learn about them and other cultures.
                 IV.                      Practices for personal health:
What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices in each domain. Explain how you will implement each example.
I need to increase my physical activity. If I want to lose weight I need to make sure I am getting at least three hundred minutes a week of exercise, or if I like, I can do one hundred and fifty minutes of vigorous passion of exercise. Swift walking can be one exercise I could carry out as one of the regular hundred and fifty pace and jogging or running could be for the vigorous work out. I can start off with a walking program and move to a faster pace like jogging or running when I am able to reach those mile stones. Another activity I can use is jump rope. I can start at a slow pace and end up going as fast as I can in a certain amount of time. I can get creative in my way of jumping as well to make it interesting. Same with the walk/jog/run, I can go different routes. I can even jump rope down the street if I want. All of it can be added to my minutes of exercise.
To enhance my psychological alertness I can learn different ways to relieve my stress. Meditation is one big thing out there that helps with easing the mind. I can explore different types of meditations and see what works best for me and continue to do this daily a little at a time and work my way up to longer practices to keep my mind at bay. Listening to music or deep breathing is another way to sooth my mental stability. Listening to music that calms me down or listening to a CD of waves and soft instruments like the flute can help relax the mind. I can make sure I have a specific time I can do this relaxation for my mind, or I can stop where I am and take deep breaths to get a sense of slowing down.
As for my spiritual growth, I need to do a lot of research, reading and practicing to heal my inner health. I would like to learn more on other religions and cultures and how they practice inner peace and dabble in those to see how they work on me; so that, I can use it in the future for possible people that I will help along the way. Next I can perform a mantra each day and a mantra is: "A word, sound, phrase, that is repeated by someone who is praying or meditating." (Merriam Webster Dictionary) I can come up with one word or phrase a day and interpret it into my life that day somehow. For example, the word happy, I would do happy things this day for myself and others.
                   V.                      Commitment:
How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?
I can keep a journal on-line/off-line. I can put on the calendar with monthly checks on how I am progressing. I can have a blog and post how I am doing each day on my progresses. There are many thing on-line and off-line I can use to assist in maintaining my long-term practices for my health and wellness. There are websites, notebooks, calendars, alarms, friends and family, etc. that can pertain to me maintaining my progress.


  1. Your honesty is refreshing. I think if you keep up with the things you have learned in your courses you will be in a better place in the future. I hope you are able to get a bike soon so you will be more physically active but don't wait for the bike. Try to find something else you would enjoy and do now without having to save up for it. I look forward to reading your success story in the future!!!!

  2. Hello Morgan,

    I agree with you that professionals have to learn and educate themselves first before working with patients. A sick person cannot help to heal another one. An obese professional is not a good example to help others losing weight; an unhealthy looking person cannot succeed in the health and wellness field. I congratulate you that you recognize you need help in all areas. Regularly, we tend to say something just to make us feel better. But of course, always is better saying the truth and being honest with you.

    Great work,
    Yesica Gonzalez.
